ADVENT 2022: The Gifts of Christmas — GUIDE + CARD COMBO SET
ADVENT 2022: The Gifts of Christmas — GUIDE + CARD COMBO SET
ADVENT 2022: The Gifts of Christmas — GUIDE + CARD COMBO SET
ADVENT 2022: The Gifts of Christmas — GUIDE + CARD COMBO SET
ADVENT 2022: The Gifts of Christmas — GUIDE + CARD COMBO SET
ADVENT 2022: The Gifts of Christmas — GUIDE + CARD COMBO SET
ADVENT 2022: The Gifts of Christmas — GUIDE + CARD COMBO SET

ADVENT 2022: The Gifts of Christmas — GUIDE + CARD COMBO SET

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Get our 2022 Advent Study Guide, "The Gifts of Christmas" and our brand new 29 Gifts of Christmas Discussion Cards in one combined set.

Save money by buying the combo! 

Use the guide for your own individual or small group study, and bring your family into your study of the Advent story with discussion cards that highlight the same Gifts of Christmas found in your study guide. It also makes a meaningful gift set for the holiday!



The season of Advent refers to the four weeks leading up to Christmas. It is a time of preparation and anticipation as we await and celebrate the advent of two things: the remembrance of Jesus entering the world as a baby at Christmas, as well as the advent to come, or the Second Coming of Christ.

With this in mind, we designed this Advent Bible study guide to walk you through the Gifts of Christmas — all found in the Christmas narrative in Scripture, with the hope that it will help us focus on the birth, life, and ministry of Jesus Christ and the gift His arrival brings to each of us. 

Printed in beautiful full color, we intentionally designed and reformatted this year's Advent guide to include gorgeous, symbolic images for each gift, giving you a unique way to more deeply understand the story of Christmas. You'll recognize many of these famous paintings, from artists like Caravaggio, Carl Heinrich Bloch, and more. We have also updated the guide to match the number of days of the 2022 Advent season. As with all of our studies, we also have a brand new Story of Faith from our sisters at The Faith Collective that speaks to the faithfulness of God, drawing you closer to the heart of the Savior during the holiday season.

We are also happy to give you our ever-so-popular Advent tags, printed on high-quality card stock in the back of each guide. Use these around your home, on your tree, or on gifts for loved ones! Each tag is printed with a gift of the Christmas story found in the guide for the corresponding day. 

It is our hope that as you learn about the themes of Advent and the Gifts of Christmas, you will develop a deeper relationship with the Savior during this long-awaited season.

Our Multiply Goodness Advent study runs November 27 - December 25, 2022.

Study Guide Specs — 8 x 10 inches | 143 pages | Spiral-Bound | Full Color



A Christ-Centered tradition for the whole family.

Beautifully designed to bring the Advent story into your home, these cards are a perfect way to guide your family, friends, and loved ones closer to the heart of Jesus this holiday season. 

Each card is printed with a gift found in the Christmas story, the corresponding Scripture reference for each, and a discussion question written for all ages to draw greater focus to the Lord. They make amazing gifts for Christmas and are a lovely, simple way to bring your Scripture study into your home. 

Each card is printed with the artwork found for that day's gift on one side, with the day, title, scripture, and question on the reverse side. 


A note about the number of cards:

Our card sets (sold separately and in the combo set) come with enough cards to mark each day of the historical four-week time of Advent. This year, that means 29 cards are included in each set!

The cards are dated, so feel free to use all 29 days to celebrate the traditional Advent season, or only only 25 of the cards for your 25-day December countdown to Christmas, too! They work perfectly for whatever family traditions you hold in your home.

We can’t wait to see how you use them! 

Card Set Specs  —  4 x 6 inches | Full Color | High-Quality Cardstock | Two Color Options | 26 Cards Total