Be Still and Know — DIGITAL GUIDE

Be Still and Know — DIGITAL GUIDE

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Do you feel it? The stress and overwhelm of living in chaotic and anxious times? If we're honest with ourselves, it's probably going to get even more intense as we head into the Fall season (election year, anyone?) 
Where can we turn to for peace? How can we access that comfort and reassurance, and know that it's sturdy and reliable? We know that we can turn to Jesus Christ, and the Scriptures will tell us how.
We are passionate about partnering together as faith-filled women during these unprecedented times to find and experience the peace of Christ. When you open up our Be Still study guide, you are invited to spend 30 days in the Scriptures, learning where to find rest and encouragement for your soul. 
Let this new study guide be a deep breath, a break from the chaos, and a place of spiritual nourishment. 
This is a PDF Digital Guide. A link to download will be provided in your purchase confirmation.