[DIGITAL PDF DOWNLOAD] BLESSED ARE WE: A Six-Week Study of the Sermon on the Mount

[DIGITAL PDF DOWNLOAD] BLESSED ARE WE: A Six-Week Study of the Sermon on the Mount

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Have you ever moved through your life, wishing you had a blueprint or a map?

The Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5-7, is a good place to start. While it may not give us the do's and don'ts of social media, or how to navigate intimate parenting troubles, it gives us a picture of the things that Jesus Christ values most. 

For Kingdom citizens, the Sermon on the Mount serves as both our blueprint and our guidepost. It shows us where we're headed and provides us checkpoints for our own change of heart as we walk the path of discipleship. It is by that change of heart that we are individually and collectively made more into the image of Jesus—meek, merciful, pure in heart—so the inaugurated Kingdom can break through just a little bit more every day. 

Over the course of six weeks, we will dive into the Sermon on the Mount. We begin each week with a portion of the Beatitudes, and we then point to Jesus' teaching and examples throughout the sermon. Join us on the discipleship journey of a lifetime. 

For this study, we have partnered with the brilliant Lisa Jensen, a visual artist from Portland, Oregon. You can follow Lisa on Instagram: and on her website, 

If you are following along with our Instagram or YouTube Devotionals, our Multiply Goodness BLESSED ARE WE study runs April 10 to May 19, 2023.

Study Guide Specs — 8 x 10 inches | 112 pages | Digital PDF Download | Full Color

Within this guide, you will find our 6 Week Study including:

  • Daily readings in the Bible (Old and New Testaments)
  • Questions to expand your study and further your discipleship
  • Extra-wide margins & space for taking notes
  • Note pages for expanding your thoughts
  • A reflection section that will bring greater life application to your study of Scripture
  • A Story of Faith from our friends at The Faith Collective
  • Memory Verse cards